Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whit's Funeral

Whit's funeral was the following weekend. I took work off on friday and headed down to St. George. I got to the viewing and it was so good to see some of my old roommates. They decorated the church so beautifully. They did a huge display about Whitni's life. The guitar we played for hours, the red shoes she always wore, pictures of her with her family and friends. It was amazing. They also had a few of whit's favorite sweets to take. I got to talk to all of her family members. It was a closed casket but they had the most beautiful picture of whit in her wedding dress right next to her casket. Katie, Kara and I went out and got some frozen yogurt after. It was fun to share memories of whit and to catch up. I went over to Whit's friends house after and played games with them. Whit had amazing friends and they were nice to take me in the last few weeks. I stayed at Andee's house that night.

The funeral was beautiful. Whitni planned her own funeral. Such a Whitni thing to do. She was the best planner that I knew. It was amazing and turned out exactly how she would have wanted it. I had been so sick thinking about this song I was about to sing all week long. How was I going to make it through it? The lyrics were perfect! Anyone that knew Whitni was changed FOR GOOD! When her mom told me that Whit wanted me to sing this at her funeral, I was so torn. How do you sing this song at your best friends funeral. After talking to my bishop about it, he reminded me how lucky I was to know her and asked me if I would have rather only known her for a few years or to have never known her at all. Of course, the later. He reminded me what a privilege this was and that she wanted me to do it and I realized that I could do it and I would do because it was what Whit wanted! I think it went well. I held it together as much as I could. Jared, his parents, and whit's family all spoke and shared memories. There were lots of laughs shared and lots of tears. Whitni wanted the last word at her funeral so they taped her testimony and shared a slideshow during her testimony. Her mom read it because whini got really sick really fast. This is when I burst into tears. What an amazing life! What an amazing friend! What an amazing testimony of Christ! Whitni I miss you SO much and I will love you forever! Til we meet again.....

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