Friday, September 10, 2010

DMB 2010



Oh mygosh! Can Ijust tell you that I love the Dave Matthews Band. They are extremely talented both individually and as a group. I have been looking forward to this years Gorge trip since I got back fromlast years trip. This year there were only four of us. It wasdefinitely different but wouldn't change it for the world. What canI say Slicer andKate are twoof myfavorite people and Erick was a great addition to our crew. Kate and Bryce got Pit ticketsfor saturday night and it was incredible. We were so close to Dave.

Unforgettable Moments
*The Pit -We were like 5 feet away from the stage
-Kate made a sign that said... Carter Bangs stick me please!....
-The beginning of the concert kate and carter have a moment, seriously it was crazy
- carter threw a drumstick to kate and bryce caught it for kate
- We were all star struck but bryce was majorly
*Gotta love the terrace (Sunday Night)
*Erick proposed to Kate after the last song on Sunday. It was perfect!
*The River- freezing cold
*Moses Lake- Kate saved a girl and Bryce saved a beach ball.
- Frolf- best game ever (frisbee golf)
- Kate throwing the disc backwards and the girls sample!
*Rented a 2010 Jeep Cherakee in Twin Falls
*I write Dave rocks my world on the back of our windshield while I was filling up gas. While we were driving a car drove up besides us and holds up a sign saying that they have tickets. We took the next exit and bought their tickets. Funny the way it is!!!
*Erick almost drives off with the gas still hooked up, kate stops him and his first instinct was to yell at me....what the....
*Plasma..... oh plaza parking- Kate
*Shari's at 1 am both nights. everyone should eat at shari's

So many good laughs were shared and memories made. The gorge trip to see Dave made my whole weekend. Best weekend ever! Funny the way it is!

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