Monday, August 2, 2010

Focusing on the good....

So at church yesterday, I was sitting by my friend Bekah and we were chit chatting during sunday school and she brought up a great point. Why is it that the news always chooses to talk about all the bad stuff that is going on around us. Wouldn't it be awesome if they showed only good stuff? Well as I was contemplating this idea I decided that I do that in my own life. I always focus on the negative things that are going on in my life. So I made my august resolution to stop looking at the bad and to focus on all the good things that are going on in my life. Love moments like this. Don't worry....Be Happy!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great goal, I am going to challenge myself to do it as well. I love you, thanks for being a great example of greatness and goodness.
