Adventure Back East!
July 19 - August 1, 2012
Cami and I had been talking about going back east forever because she had never been and my sister Sunni lives out there. We finally made it happen. Sunni was so nice to let us stay with her. We went out for a few weeks and wore ourselves out. We had our ups and downs, but we survived each other.
Western New York : Niagra falls/ Mumford, NY/ Palmyra
Thursday & Friday, July 19-20 - My friend Megan was a doll and dropped us off at the airport. The flight was a piece of cake after the redeye flight back from Hawaii. Sunni picked us up and we headed to her place to get ready for our first adventure. We went to Pete's Pizza for some delicious pizza and then went and picked up Garrett (Sunni's boyfriend at the time). Then we hit the road for Western New York. What were we thinking! Seriously, never drive 8 hours over night right after a 5 hour flight! It was a long night but we got to Niagra falls early the next morning. Early enough not to have to pay for parking. haha! The falls were beautiful! I can't believe how close I was to Canada! Next time I am totally going to the other side. We went down on the Maid of the Mist. It was so funny to see all the people on the boat freaking out when we were really close to the falls. Thank goodness for our ponchos, we didn't get too drenched. After spending time at the falls, we headed to Buffalo. We walked along the Lake Erie (I think) for a few minutes. We then headed to Mumford, NY. It was LEGENDARY! I am so glad that Sunni stubbled across it on her searches of places to stay. Sunni and I were so excited when we found out that the town existed. It is such a cute little town. When we first arrived, Garrett and Cami were sleeping and they missed out on the Mumford sign craziness. Every sign that we came to, we pulled over and took lots of pictures of ourselves. It was hilarious and oh so much fun. Cami joined us for the adventure on main street. We went to a few cute craft stores. We also went to the fire station, where we continued taking pictures. haha. The men that were outside came over to talk to us. I am sure they were wondering what the crap we were doing taking a picture of a truck with Mumford on it. We explained that we were Mumford's. They were so awesome. They let us buy Mumford fire department t-shirts. They also let us sit in the fire truck. So awesome! After our little adventure to Mumford, NY, we headed to our hotel in Henrieta. In Henrieta, there was a Macedonian Festival going on. We ate some good food!
Saturday & Sunday, July 21-22 - Sunni's singles ward was going to the Hill Cumorah Pageant on Saturday, which is why we fit this side trip into our vacation. I am so glad that we did. I never really cared to go to Palmyra, but it was such an incredible experience. I am so glad and thankful that I got to go. We spent the day going to the sites in Palmyra. We went to where the Book Of Mormon was published. It was cool to see the printing press and learn how they did it. We then went over to the Joseph Smith Family Farm. The Sacred Grove was incredible. So Beautiful and so peaceful. I felt the spirit so strong and it was another testament that this church is true. The temple is really close to the farm so we went and saw the beautiful Palmyra temple. The stain glass windows were cool because they were pictures of the sacred grove. After the temple, we headed to the Hill Cumorah. The pageant was so awesome. It is about all the prophets of the scriptures. So cool to watch the recreation of Joseph Smith bury the plates on the actual Hill Cumorah. On Sunday, we went to church at the Peter Whitmore Farm in Fayette, NY. We went back to Palmyra and drove to the top of the Hill to the monument. We then ate some delicious lunch at Mark's Pizza. This was such a great and uplifting weekend. I am so so glad that I got to experience some church history. It was so much cooler than I ever expected. I can't wait to go back and it made me want to go Kirkland. We headed back to D.C. in the afternoon. The drive back wasn't so bad. It was so beautiful and so green.
Niagra Falls |
Mumford, NY |
The sacred grove, Palmyra, NY |
Palmyra Temple |
Hill Cumorah Pageant |
Washington D.C.:
Sunni had to work all week during the day so Cami and I played during the day and Sunni joined us at night.
Monday, July 23- Cami and I hit up the Smithsonian today. It is crazy how many museums there are in this strip. We went to the American History Museum, the Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art, and to the National Archives. I didn't do the National Gallery or the National Archives last time I came to D.C. so it was really cool to go to both of those. It was incredible how big the National Gallery of Art is. We only went in one of the buildings but you could spend hours just looking at the art. I loved going to the National Archives. It was so cool to see the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. After the Archives, Sunni picked us up and we headed to met up with one of my college roommates, Whitney Todd, and her boyfriend. It was so great to see her. We went to the Eat Bar for dinner. It was a cool little place to eat. We then went to Alexandria and got some ice cream at the Dairy Godmother. After, we walked along the river which was cool.
Tuesday, July 24- We went to visit one of Cami's friends, Jaime and her kids, and got to play in the pool. Who doesn't love a pool day! Her kids were super cute. Sunni picked us up at a metro stop and we went and got lunch at the taco truck that she loves. It was super good. She got pulled over which made me feel bad. But she did run a stop sign.... haha she told me I had no sympathy. I did feel so bad though. We went back to her work and I got to meet a few people that she works with and see her office. Later, Cami and I went to Bethesda. A fun place to do some shopping. We found a snow cone shack and hit up the Trader Joes. For dinner, we went to the Cheesecake Factory with Sunni's roommates.
Wednesday, July 25 - We went to the Library of Congress and took a tour of the Capitol building. There were some cool facts that we learned about the Capitol. After, we went to the Holocaust museum. Such a cool museum but defiantly makes you sad. What a hard time to have gone through. Later that night, I got to go do baptisms for the dead in the D.C. temple with Sunni. It was such an amazing experience and one that I will never forget. It has been forever since I have done them with Sunni and I got so lucky because it was Sunni's singles ward temple night. It was so important to me because my Grandma and Grandpa Mumford served their mission at this temple. It made me feel closer to them being inside where they spent so much time serving the Lord. It is such a beautiful temple.
Thursday, July 26 - Sunni let us take her car today to go exploring. I was a little nervous to drive in D.C. but all went well. It turned out to be a super hot day, but that is what you get in July. We first stopped at the Arlington Cemetery. We then drove to Virginia and went to Mount Vernon. It was cool to see George Washington's home and estate. It was beautiful. We then went shopping in Georgetown. Sunni's friends Shari and Jill came over for dinner, along with Garrett, and we had Thai food for dinner.
Capitol |
Arlington Cemetery |
George Washington's Home |
I found a Paul's in Georgetown. Not as good as in France, but still made my day. |
D.C. Temple |
New York City
Friday, July 27- New York City here I come! I was so excited to go to New York. We got up early and caught a bus. The bus ride wasn't so bad, but it seemed to take forever. It was crazy walking in New York City. People and buildings everywhere. Time square is so cool. So many lights! Sunni's friend hooked us up with a discount at the Marriot by Grand Central Station. We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and headed out to explore the city. First, we got some delicious pizza. Then I got to experience the New York City subway. We walked down to the 911 memorial. We didn't have tickets but it was crazy to see the place that used to have the trade centers and just to imagine what the day would have been like. We walked down Wall street and met up with my friend Lisa Winn who is living in Harlem. It was so fun to hang out with her. We took the ferry to Staten Island. It was cool to see the Statue of Liberty. Then we went to Brooklyn to try on some Warby Parker glasses and ate dinner at a taco truck. We spent the night shopping in Soho. We went to the Mac store. I was in heaven. We spent forever and Cami, Sunni, and I all spent too much money on new makeup. We ended the night by going to the Top of the Rock. It is the view from on top of the Rockefeller building. It was such a cool way to see the city.
Saturday, July 28- Sunni and I got up and headed out to Central Park. We stopped at a little farmers market. I got some fruit and some bread. We saw the Manhattan Temple. It is so crazy that it is in the middle of the city. Next time I go I hope to go inside. We stopped and got a drink at Starbucks. We met up with Lisa in Central Park. I loved Central Park. It is so huge and beautiful. We watched some men playing baseball, Lisa took us to her favorite view in the park. We went to the pond. Later, we met up with Cami in Time Square and went and saw the broadway musical Newsies. It was incredible. Hot men singing and dancing.... I was in love! The show was amazing and the music was so good. When we got out it was pouring. We got drenched, so we found a pizza joint and ate and relaxed until it stopped. We did some more shopping and then went back to the hotel and Lisa joined us to watch some Olympics.
Sunday, July 29- We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge today. It was so cool and turned out to be a lot of fun. Cami and I experienced a New York hot dog from a hot dog stand. Pretty good. We then went to China town and little Italy. After, we hit up Bloomingdales. We got talked into buying the Marc Jacobs perfume, which came with a free manicure. It is always fun to get pampered. We then spent our last hour in Central Park. There was a concert going on so we went and checked that out. It was sad to leave New York but we had a great time and I can't wait to go again.
on the Staten Island Ferry |
Top of the Rock |
Mac Makeovers! |
Manhattan Temple |
Central Park
Lisa's Favorite spot. So cool! |
Brooklyn Bridge |
Bloomingdales Manicure |
Back to Washington D.C.
Monday, July 30- Today, we rented bikes and road them around to the different monuments. It was such a great way to get around. Then we went to the Ford Theatre where Lincoln was shot. After, Cami went to dinner with one of her co-workers so Sunni and I had a great night spending some quality sister time. We went and got some delicious Indian food.
Tuesday, July 31- We went to the Zoo today. I love the zoo! We then went and saw the new Batman movie. It was so good, and we got to see it in a cool theatre, where we sat in the Balcony. After the movie, Sunni picked us up and we headed to the Nationals Baseball Game.
Wednesday, August 1- We were exhausted and ready to come home. I went and ate at a delicious French cafe with Sunni and one of her co-workers. I then took Sunni's car and went back to the house to pack and to pick Cami up. We then went back and got Sunni and she took us to the airport. I had such a great trip visiting my sister and I am so glad that she got to spend a lot of time with us. She is so great and has been one of my role models my whole life. Thanks for a fabulous trip Sunni!
Ford theatre where Lincoln was shot |
National's game |
Washington Monument |
World War 2 Memorial |
Lincoln Memorial |
Jefferson Memorial |
That looks like a really fun trip Allie. I'm jealous of all your awesome adventures