Saturday morning we got up extra early to get up on the mountain before light. It was a cold morning and we hiked all over the place. My dad and I saw quite a few deer but not well enough to determine if any had antlers. The storm was getting started and so most of us decided to get off the mountain.
We decided to stay around to hunt on the farm. We walked from the farm house through the fields. McWayne started with the gun and we didn't really determine who would shoot if we saw one. Well Mc saw a deer in a field that was not on my uncles property. It wasn't moving at all so he thought it was fake. Needless to say it wasn't and there was a pretty good size herd. They were all doe. We continued on and it was getting dark so we only had about 15 minutes of hunting left. It also started raining, so we were getting drenched. McWayne gave me the gun and my dad took off to get the truck to pick us up on the other side of the farm. We got around to the farthest field. We got up to the fence and I glanced the field for deer. Didn't see anything but it was getting dark it was hard to see through the scope. We climbed the fence to get into the field and walked a few feet. I spotted a deer jump over the fence onto my uncles farm and just 40 yards away. He stopped a little past the road and looked at us. I could tell it was a buck. I looked through the scope and knew it was at least a 3 point. My brother said take it out. I was shaking and he had the pod to hold the gun. So we set that up really fast and then I had to have Mc turn off the safety because I had never used his gun. He did it and I shot. Perfect shot. Right threw the heart and the deer went down 30 yards from were I shot. He was a 3 x 4 and he had a little cheater point on the 3 side.
I know alot of people are against hunting but there are so many good things about hunting that people don't think about.
I love it. That is why you are my hero. Love you allie!