Aliens, aka EBE's, have been known to be seen in Rosewell, New Mexico. The big question that still exist today is do aliens really exists or was it a cover up by the government. After a visit to the national UFO museum, and watching a few movies on the conspiracy of Rosewell in August of 2009, I believe that it was a cover up. It was very interesting to read documents, such as the Majic, that gives details of these so called EBE's (Extra Biological Entities).
I took a road trip down to see some of my best friends, Whit and Jared. It was so much fun. Slicer, Ashley, and myself, treked it down 12 hours to see them, which I think is love right there. They live in the cutest little house and in a town where there are many crazy people. i do believe that we did see an alien. This guy who was completely out of it, was just crossing streets here and there. He is lucky he didn't get ran over. We drove down and didn't get there til like 3 in the morning on thursday. We had fun going to the lake on Thursday and drinking our big gulps. Friday, we went to the UFO museum and Saturday we went to Carlsbad Caverns. The Caverns were incredible. We walked down 750 ft down into the ground and saw many incredible formations. Luckily, there was an elevator at the bottom that took us up to the top. I don't think I would have made it if I had to walk up. At around 7:00, when the sun was about to set, we got to sit by the cave opening and watch as millions of bats came flying out. It was amazing. They just kept coming and coming. Sunday, we went to church and got to go to Whit's and Jared's Sunday school class. They did an amazing job. On our drive back we decided to camp at Moab. It was hard core camping. Ashley and I weren't so keen on the idea of sleeping on the ground without anything beneath us. Good ole Jared gave us his tarp so we wouldn't be rolling around in the dirt. Good news is that Ashley didn't get attacked by a coon.
I was sad that this trip had to end, because I love the Whit! She is my jammin partner. They were both so good to us and feed us incredible food. I am so glad that my friends married eachother because I know that I will get to have both of them in my life forever. GO ROS!!
YAY!!!! Ha ha so glad you had a great trip. Sounds like some incredible experiences. Bats freak me out a little but I am so intrigued by them LOL. Reminds me of night fishing at the dam and seeing them. Good times! LOVE YA!