Monday, March 1, 2010


I love going down to st. george with my family. We missed having my mom, sun, and mc, but we still had fun together. We haven't been to Zions since I was a little girl so that was fun to see the beautiful scenary in that park. We also went to snow canyon and had fun playing around the rocks. One of my favorite parts about all of our trips to the st. george is going to the park and hitting pecans out of the trees. Oh they are so good. I love the sunshine. Even though I haven't had much of a winter this season, (which is alright by me) I just can't wait for summertime.


  1. alli.
    i swear i saw your mom the other day. i mean i could not figure out who this lady was. but i KNOW it was her now. i kept thinking... how do i know you? ask your mom if she went to the doctors monday at riverton hospital.
    because i have the greatest memory if she did. your dad was wearing a USU shirt. :)

  2. Allie I love the pictures, I am so glad you had a fun time. The one with the cone on your Dad's head cracked me up!! Ha ha I sure do love you guys!!!
