Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Man, how could you not be team jacob! Don't get me wrong I loved edward in the book, but he had nothing on Jacob. I think I became a Jacob fan in the book of new moon. It was so depressing. I hated Edward for leaving Bella. It took me forever to read the first part of the book. Once Jacob joined the book in a major role then I was a fan. He was the guy that was there for Bella. He is just the nice guy...isn't it true that nice people finish last. I went and saw the movie last night with some friends. I liked it a lot. probably because Jacob was in it. Anyways Go team Jacob!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Getting my first Deer

Wow! I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. I remember the first time I went hunting. I was pretty young probably around 6 years old. I loved doing stuff with the boys. I remember hiking all over the place and hating it. By the end of the trip some guys from our hunting party had gotten an elk and I being the cute little girl I am, I wanted to throw the elk legs off the cliff. That was the turning point of my love for the sport. I have been hooked ever since then. Since then, I have grown to love hunting for more than throwing animal legs off cliffs. The things that I love about hunting is calling in elk. That is the coolest thing ever. They are incredible animals. I also love being with my cousins. Usually we all have southern tags and so we all meet up on the mountain the night before the opener and camp. It is tons of fun especially since I don't get to see my cousins very often.
Well on to the story of how i got my first deer. I believe that I have earned the title the Ultimate x2. My friends from home have already named me the ultimate for always doing stupid dares and so I think this totally beats that. Well my dad, brother and I each had tags for the summit point ranch down by Monticello. We saw lots of animals but luck was not going our way. My dad should have had one friday night but we couldn't find it or find any blood trace. Well my brother got his cow elk on saturday night. There was a pretty big 6 point elk in the herd that was fun to video. My brother did awesome and it was fun to watch, and needless to say I got to throw the elk legs. Well it was monday morning and my last chance to get one. So I was going to take a smaller one if I could. We saw a few pretty good ones that were in this field that was far away. The big one ran into some trees when we tried to get closer so we continued. We drove past again and noticed that the other one was still there. We decided to go the other way. Just when we were slowing down to turn down this road I spotted a herd of deer, and there he was. My dad and I both jumped out of the truck and got a rest. I took the first shot and hit him. I was shaking so bad. My dad backed me up and shot. I couldn't find him in my scope, so my brother ran over and turned down the power on the scope. Then I found him in my scope again and pulled the triger. click. Oh man my gun had jammed. Buck Fever! So my dad shot again so we wouldn't lose him over the fence. We drove over to find him. We drove up to were we thought he was and started to look all over. I was walking along the fence and no joke like 1 foot away from me the deer jumped up and started trying to run. I totally thought he was going to run over me. As I started running I realized I was the one with the gun. It was really sad cause one foot got shot off when my dad shot the second time. Oh my I have never been so scared in my life. The revenge of the deer! I really thought I was going to get trampled. The hardest thing was to put him out of his misery. So after almost getting trampled and taking the final shot I kind of went into shock. Don't get me wrong, I love hunting but that was a lot harder mentally then I ever thought it would be. Well I am proud to say that I gutted my own deer, with the help of my dad. I also helped my brother skin him. There you have it. The story of my first deer.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

When I grow up I want to be.....

Pippi Longstocking! Well I am not the biggest fan of halloween but I always dress up for work. I have been lots of different things for halloween but one of my favorites is pippi. I think that is because deep down she is my Hero! I had the kids trying to guess all week what I was going to be and I told them that the first person to guess would get an awesome prize! Well Pierce won but it was so funny cause all the kids were getting so mad at me because they couldn't guess it. Work was fun though we had a monster mash and the kids loved it!

It's about time....

that October is over. Last year, my roommate and I were jinxed. October was a horrible month and we were determined to make this one better. I wish I could say that it worked but October is not my month. From now on I will probably go into hiding every October. Well the month started off strong with the results of my praxis test. I barely missed the passing score. Although I did not feel confident last month when taking the test, I need to get my butt in gear and pass the next one in a few weeks or else my life will considerately be different next semester. My car has broke down twice this month. The first time I left my lights on while at work. The second time I was running late to go hunting and I got in my car and it didn't start. At that point in time, if I would have had my riffle my car wouldn't have survived. During October, my car was also booted because they found me. The logan parking people that is. I had like 4 parking tickets that I haven't wanted to pay. So needless to say $185 bucks later I was able to get my car back.

Although October was not my month, I kept on telling myself to look on the bright side. I am not going to lie it was hard through the adversity that I was facing. I have a quote that is hanging up on one of my boards in my room that I can see every time I leave my room. It says
"How have I seen the hand of God in my life today?"
I must say thank you to my visiting teachers that gave this to me about two years ago. This quote is a constant reminder to me that Heavenly Father loves me and is always blessing me, even with the trials that I am facing.

So looking at the bright side of October. Although my car broke down twice, my good friend Brad and his roommate Ross came to my rescue with no hesitation. When my car broke down the second time my friend Adam came to my rescue although he couldn't fix it he stayed with me while I was freaking out. I was amazed at how many people stopped and asked if they could help. I have a great sister that went a weekend without her car so that I could go hunting. When I got back I was trying to replace my battery. Something I have never done before and when I was about to give up, two boys stopped and asked if they could help us. They were amazing. They both were little 18 year olds and one just got his mission call to the Dominican Republic. I will be forever grateful for those two cause they were my lifesavers. There are amazing people in Logan that are always willing to lend a hand and I love it. Last but not least, I got my first deer.

I guess I can't complain to much. "Bad thing happens and there is nothing you can do about it"=lion king, except look at how heavenly father has blessed you through out the bad things. I am so grateful for a loving heavenly father. In church today, a man stood up and bore his testimony about challenges and how we need to keep that glimmer of hope in our lives when we are struggling. Things will get better. And yeah for October being over!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


INCREDIBLE! AMAZING! need I say more! Words cannot explain the excitement of a Dave concert, let alone 2 days of a concert with Dave. So my best friend, Whit has been going to this concert for the last 5 years and I didn't understand why until I went with her last year. Last year was my first experience with the Gorge. We only went to one day of his concert and stayed at the gorge campsite which was crazy. I didn't really know much of daves music but I love roadtrips, music, and being with my friends, so I gave it a shot. I loved it and so I made sure that I could do it again this year. Well we went for two days this year and it totally opened my eyes of the greatest of the Dave Matthews Band. Jared and Whitni flew up there, where slicer picked them up from the airport. Kates drove all the way from St.George and picked me and Adam up, and Shanell and Doug followed us up there in Dougs parent's car. Kates has a green convertible which is awesome, but we had so much stuff we couldn't put the top down until we got to WA. We stayed at Moses Lake,WA which is a 30 minute drive from the venue. It was a great campground. So the process of getting a good grass spot at the concert is intense. We get there 2 hours before the gates open and when they do, we have runners who only have blankets and they run down a half of a mile to insure a great spot. Well it was started pouring rain when we got to the lines on Saturday afternoon. It didn't let up either. We were all soaked! Kates and I dressed up as hippis. Kates and Whit ran down to get us a great seat. By the time Bryce and Holli got to the venue with the ponchos the rain stopped. Great timing Slicer. Although we were all soaked and freezing, we had a great time! I almost peed my pants because Dave played my two favorite songs at the end of the show. You & Me and Ants marching.

Sunday it didn't rain to much but the wind was crazy. It blew over the tent and ripped it to shreds. Bryce, Holli, Kates and me went to the concert early on Sunday to get us a good seat. We paid for the VIP pass, which is the way to go. We got to sit in this little lounge area while we waited for the gates to open and we were already that much closer to the seats we wanted. We got the most incredible seats ever. Dave is amazing and his concerts are so much fun. Everyone should come experience the gorge!

Aliens...? Was it a coverup?

Aliens, aka EBE's, have been known to be seen in Rosewell, New Mexico. The big question that still exist today is do aliens really exists or was it a cover up by the government. After a visit to the national UFO museum, and watching a few movies on the conspiracy of Rosewell in August of 2009, I believe that it was a cover up. It was very interesting to read documents, such as the Majic, that gives details of these so called EBE's (Extra Biological Entities).
I took a road trip down to see some of my best friends, Whit and Jared. It was so much fun. Slicer, Ashley, and myself, treked it down 12 hours to see them, which I think is love right there. They live in the cutest little house and in a town where there are many crazy people. i do believe that we did see an alien. This guy who was completely out of it, was just crossing streets here and there. He is lucky he didn't get ran over. We drove down and didn't get there til like 3 in the morning on thursday. We had fun going to the lake on Thursday and drinking our big gulps. Friday, we went to the UFO museum and Saturday we went to Carlsbad Caverns. The Caverns were incredible. We walked down 750 ft down into the ground and saw many incredible formations. Luckily, there was an elevator at the bottom that took us up to the top. I don't think I would have made it if I had to walk up. At around 7:00, when the sun was about to set, we got to sit by the cave opening and watch as millions of bats came flying out. It was amazing. They just kept coming and coming. Sunday, we went to church and got to go to Whit's and Jared's Sunday school class. They did an amazing job. On our drive back we decided to camp at Moab. It was hard core camping. Ashley and I weren't so keen on the idea of sleeping on the ground without anything beneath us. Good ole Jared gave us his tarp so we wouldn't be rolling around in the dirt. Good news is that Ashley didn't get attacked by a coon.
I was sad that this trip had to end, because I love the Whit! She is my jammin partner. They were both so good to us and feed us incredible food. I am so glad that my friends married eachother because I know that I will get to have both of them in my life forever. GO ROS!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

www.picnik.com....it's the cool thing to do

So I have always had a love of photography and pictures. My roommate showed me this new website that lets you do some funky things. This has definitely been a distraction but a worthwhile one at that. Cool people should try it!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

the secret is out....

Oh man I am the BIGGEST NERD! When I admit to people my major, their first response is "so your a nerd", but I always thought I was one of the cool math people. I guess I was wrong, this shows how nerdy I really am.  I am taking a class this summer and my teacher showed us this video in class because we have been learning about a lot of the terms that are used. So this is a shout out to all my fellow math nerds, I hope that you will think it is as hilarious as I do. What cleaver Nerds!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Allie + Wakeboarding = battlewounds!!

So I got to go boating with some friends this weekend up at glendale reservoir. Can I just tell you that I suck big time at wake boarding. I have only been twice in my life and have failed miserably at it. I have never been able to get up, so it is very discouraging to do something that I fail at over and over again. My friends were very patient with me and tried to teach me the ways, and with their help I finally got up. I DID IT!  

I loved the sun, the water, the boat, and the yummy pizza afterwards. I must say I got the best battlewounds I have ever had. You gotta love it baby!  

I had to enhance it to make it look that much better...don't worry my thighs are not blue, just purple!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Adventurous Campout

Well I have decided that being my friend comes with a high cost....It seems like every trip I go on something goes wrong. Well I knew that it was crazy of me to drive down 3 hours to go camping with my friends, knowing that I had to turn around and head back to Logan the next day. But I figured, 'what the Heck', a chance to hang out with my friends was totally worth it.

Unforgettable Memories
* colby and lisa braving the storm to come and get me in Heber
* late night fire & mallow roasting
* not having a sleeping bag, luckily matt and lisa had a cover for me
* sleeping in my car
* shooting the boys guns
* falling over in my chair (reinacting my ability to run away if the bear came back)
and ruining matt and lisa's mini table
* Becoming the ULTIMATE (if you know me, you know I cannot turn down a dare)
by jumping in the gross pond
* walking back to camp 10 minutes after leaving only to break the news to everyone
that my car wasn't going to make it
* paul towing my car up hills to get it back to Heber
* colby cruizin down the mountain in the g-ma car
* lisa's car getting a flat tire

With all the memories that I take from this campout adventure, I realized that I have the best friends a girl could ask for. I couldn't ask for better men to help me through this crisis then colby, matt, and paul. Thanks guys for everything! and thanks girls for marrying amazing men. Thanks again. I can't wait for our next adventure!!!

This is what happens....

Oh man! I told myself I would never do this....at least not til I was married. Well I guess this is what happens when your g-ma car is a goner, your weekend plans got cancelled, and your stuck in salt lake without friends, makeup, or clothes. I will be the first one to tell you that I will not be a blog-a-holic, but I guess I will see if I change my mind about this whole blogging thing.